The first one I went to I had on my workout shorts, shirt and running shoes but all we did was little movements of contracting the quads or hams and then relaxing. Simple stuff that you could do just laying in a bed.
So I went there today thinking we will not do much I will just wear my jeans, shirt and casual shoes.
It turned out I was out of breath and had worked up a sweat. It was really good but I was suprised I would get a good workout. One of things I really had fun with was this balancing board that you stand on and try to balance it while you are doing knee sqauts. It was cool because you have to tense every muscle in your body to stay balanced...even my abs got a workout. I would not mind having one of those boards to train with regularly.

I have two more sessions next week.
This is my homework:
Shotguns on steps 5-10 15 sec. intervals 2xday
Stepup/downs 3 sets 10 2xday
Lunges 3 sets 10 2xday
Straight leg raises 3 sets 15 2xday.
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